3. Advanced Noun Declension

3.1 Accusative form of animate nouns

The accusative form of plural animate nouns is identical the genitive, not the nominative case. adjectives describing these nouns take the genitive ending.

  Пасту́х збіра́е сваі́х каро́ў. The herdsman gathers his cows.
  Туды́ дзяўча́т пасыла́лі. That’s where we sent the girls.
  Прасі́ў у яго́, не за сябе́, за двух ма́ленькіх дзе́так. I asked him, not for myself, but for two little kids.

The accusative case is identical to the genitive for singular masculine animate nouns as well. Corresponding adjectives take the genitive ending.

Яна́ прыдба́е но́вага му́жа. She will get a new husband.
ён перажыва́ў за старэ́йшага бра́та. He was worried about his older brother.
Пава́жанага пешахо́да ігнару́юць і прыгнята́юць по́шлыя вадзі́целі. The respected pedestrian is ignored and oppressed by common drivers.

3.2 Masculine genitive singular endings а/я versus у/ю

There are two groups of masculine nouns. One of these groups has genitive singular endings of а** and я, the other group has genitive singular endings of у, and ю. There is no easy way to tell to which group any given noun belongs.

Nouns with the genitive singular endings or are typically words that can be described in English with the word “many.” These nouns are often concrete, countable objects.

** -** Nouns denoting people, animals, and body parts ** -** Units of measurement and currency ** -** Geographical concepts

бра́та of the brother малатка́ of the hammer
гра́ма of the gram па́льца of the finger
дня of the day перашы́йка of the isthmus
кантынэ́нта of the continent рубля́ of the ruble
каня́ of the horse чалаве́ка of the person

Nouns with the genitive singular endings or are typically words that are used in the partitive sense. In other words, some portion of a whole is implied. Typically, such words represent more abstract ideas. They can usually be described in English with the word “much.” If a word in English cannot have an article like “the” applied to it, it will have the or genitive ending in Belarusian.

** -** Nouns that denote a group, gathering, or collection of other things ** -** Natural phenomena, characteristics, actions, and spatial directions ** -** Substances and other nouns that can be described in English by the word “much”

вы́гляду of the glance ро́ду of the type
дажджу́ of rain сну of sleep
ко́леру of color усхо́ду of the east
набо́ру of the collection хо́ладу of the cold
нато́ўпу of the crowd цу́кру of sugar

3.3 Genitive plural endings

It is often very difficult to predict the genitive plural endings of nouns. The genitive plural form must be memorized for every feminine noun, and for masculine nouns ending in .

Feminine nouns ending in or are the most problematic.

ве́жа ве́жаў of the spires зямля́ зе́мляў of the lands
галава́ гало́ў of the heads кра́ма кра́маў of the shops
галі́на галі́н of the branches лі́нія лі́ній of the lines
зо́рка зо́рак of the stars сямя́ се́мяў of the families

Masculine nouns ending in ** also have this issue.

госць гасце́й of the guests ло́каць ло́кцяў of the elbows
конь ко́ней of the horses пень пнёў of the stumps

me nouns can have either ending.

мяжа́ меж or ме́жаў of the boundaries
сасна́ со́сен or со́снаў of the pine-trees
ха́та хат or ха́таў of the cottages

3.4 Irregular prepositional endings

Many maculine and neuter nouns with unaccented endings whose final consonant г or х, have irregular prepositional singular endings. The final consonant morphs into з or с respectively.

бе́раг на бе́разе on the shore
верх на ве́рсе on top
кажу́х у кажу́се in the leather jacket
луг на лу́зе in the field
начле́г на начле́зе in the lodgings
паро́г на паро́зе on the threshold
снег на сне́зе on the snow
стог на сто́зе on the haystack

*The form у кажуху́ is equally common.

The following masculine and neuter nouns have irregular prepositional forms.

брат аб бра́ту about the brother
горб на гарбу́ on the hump
меч на мячы́ on the sword
пост на пасту́ at the watch-post
ход на хаду́ in motion
гнядзо у гняздзе́ in the nest
малако у малацэ́ in milk
рэ́ха у рэ́се in the echo

3.5 Feminine Instrumental Ending Variation

There exists a variation of the instrumental ending for feminine nouns ending in or . This alternate ending is created by replacing the final with a . This variation is common, but is non-standard and should be avoided by the non-native speaker. This variation extends to adjectives and pronouns as well.

Бабу́ля то́лькі галаво́ю паківа́ла. The old lady just shook her head.
Я пайду́ з табо́й ра́зам. I will go together with you.
З пэ́ўнаю перасцяро́гай ў душы́, Бу́раў пераступі́ў і другі́ паро́г. With definite caution in his soul, Burau crossed the second doorway also.

3.6 Gender and declension disagreement

Masculine animate nouns ending in or do not decline like other masculine nouns. If the accent falls on the ending, the word declines exactly as though it were feminine. If the accent falls on the stem, the word has feminine endings for the nominative, accusative, and genitive singular cases, but has masculine endings for all remaining cases. Note the examples of ба́цька, ‘father’, and та́та, ‘dad’.

  Sing. Pl. Sing. Pl.
Nom. ба́цька ба́цькі та́та та́ты
Acc. ба́цьку ба́цькоў та́ту та́таў
Gen. ба́цькі ба́цькоў та́ты та́таў
Dat. ба́цьку ба́цькам та́ту та́там
Instr. ба́цькам ба́цькамі та́там та́тамі
Prep. аб ба́цьку аб ба́цьках аб та́це та́тах
саба́ка dog
слуга́ servant
суддзя́ judge

3.7 Declension misfits

Some nouns do not fit well in the normal declension patterns. These include the neuter noun дзіця́, ‘child’, and the feminine nouns любо́ў, ‘love’, and кро́ў, ‘blood’.

  Sing. Pl.    
Nom. дзіця́ дзе́ці любо́ў кроў
Acc. дзіця́ дзяце́й любо́ў кроў
Gen. дзіця́ці дзяце́й любо́ві крыві́
Dat. дзіця́ці дзе́цям любо́ві крыві́
Instr. дзіцё́м дзе́цьмі любо́ўю крывё́й
Prep. аб дзіця́ці аб дзе́цях аб любо́ві у крыві́

There are many nouns, mostly foreign words, which do not decline. They have the same form, regardless of case or number.

ма́ці mother
па́ні Mrs.

3.8 Words with no plural form

Many words have only a singular form. Most of these words have no plural in English either. Included are things like substances, proper nouns, and ideas.

бу́льба potato* о́нца ‘sun’
ве́цер wind* пако́й ‘stillness’
лі́ха evil* ярэ́дзіна ‘middle’

Most neuter nouns ending in -мя have no plural form.

бярэ́мя armful* е́мя ‘seed’
вы́мя udder* е́мя ‘top of head’
по́лымя flame*<br / br />  

3.9 Words with no singular form

Many words have only a plural form.

абцугі́ pincers* ано́плі ‘hemp’
акуля́ры eyeglasses* пі́ны ‘laughter’
арэ́лі child’s swing*<br ру́пы ‘porridge’
вы́бары election* ю́дзі ‘people’
гро́шы money* е́тры ‘depths’
гру́дзі chest* аво́дзіны ‘behavior’
джу́нглі jungle* рысма́кі ‘hors d’oeuvres’
дзве́ры door* а́ні ‘sled’
дро́вы firewood* у́ткі ‘twenty-four hours’
забабо́ны superstition* а́хматы ‘chess’
зно́сіны relations* та́ны ‘pants’

3.10 Irregular plurals

The plural forms of these words have different stems than the singular forms.

Masc. br /> br />    
  ing. br /> Pl. Gen. Pl.
  ан gentlemen* пано́ве пано́ў
  усе́д neighbor* сусе́дзі сусе́дзяў
  орт devil* чэ́рці чарце́й
  br /> br />    
Neut. br /> br />    
  о́ка eye* во́чы вачэ́й
  у́ха ear* ву́шы вушэ́й
  е́рне grain* зярня́ты зярня́т
  але́на knee* кале́ні кале́няў
  е́ба sky/heaven* нябё́сы нябё́саў
  br /> br />    
Fem. br /> br />    
  зяўчы́на girl* дзяўча́ты дзяўча́т
  у́рыца chicken* ку́ры курэ́й

3.11 Nouns ending in -ін

These animate nouns denote types of people. Other than the nominative plural ending, the rest of the plural endings are the same as for other nouns. The genitive plural ending is -аў and is unaccented.

Masc. em. br /> Pl.
гараджа́нін араджа́нка townsperson* гараджа́не
грамадзя́нін рамадзя́нка citizen* грамадзя́не
мешчані́н яшча́нка ristocrat мяшча́не
палача́нін алача́нка ourtier палача́не
селяні́н яля́нка illager сяля́не
славяні́н лавя́нка lav славя́не
хрысціяні́н рысція́нка hristian хрысція́не
  br /> br />  
тата́рын ата́рка atar тата́ры
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