Maxime Seveleu-Dubrovnik

Affiliation: FIAS, ENS (cf. below)

Horizon of activities:

Linguistic research

Theoretical grammar in general; Comparative syntax of Semitic languages
Hebrew, Arabic grammar, syntax, morphology. Biblical Hebrew ; Persian language.
Mechanics of the Belarusian language. Slavic context
Belarusian grammar, syntax, computational morphology, phonetics, orthoepy, graphic systems. Belarusian Arabic writings.

Language didactics

Belarusian language, literature, civilization
Russian language, literature, civilization
Related activities: Publishing, coordination, translation, administrative, tool development

1 Middle Eastern languages

Persian tools:
Persian text normalization
Hebrew resources:
Resources for Biblical Hebrew, BS4
Seminars on Persian language at ENS and FIAS
contributor and co-editor (2016)

Dov Yarden Workshop on Semitic Syntax and Morphology
contributor and co-organizer (2012—2018)

Open Access Persian manual i18n initiative at FIAS
project bearer (2017—now)

Finite verbal form use in Biblical narration and poetry: qāṭal קָטַל, yiqṭōl יִקְטֹל, wᵉqāṭal וְקָטַל and wayyiqṭol וַיִּקְטֹל
master thesis with P.Cassuto at ENS (2014)

Library on Biblical Studies and Philosophy
Biblical Hebrew for linguists: morphology and syntax at IBC
project bearer (2020—now)

Open Access Persian manual i18n initiative at FIAS
project bearer (2017—now)

2 Belarusan, Slavic languages

Belarusan linguistics

Belarusian tools:
Cyrillic to Latin converter β
Stress marker
Belarusian QR code generator
Computational morphology of the Belarusan language
Computational orthoepy of the Belarusan language
researcher, developer (2018—now)

Documenting Belarusan Arabic script at FIAS
project contributor (2019—now)

Belarusan didactics

Teaching materials: main


Belarusan Latin script

Glagolitic didactics

Russian-language didactic materials for the Glagolitic script
Séminaire des études slaves (2019)

Articles, papers

Inchoative-causative alternation in Persian, M.Seveleu-Dubrovnik. Middle-Eastern languages and linguistic theory, 2015 (pp. 89—97), G.Lang, B.Simons (editors). Keywords: COS verbs, change of state, causative, inchoative, transitive.

ResearchGate ORCID Google Scholar Encoding of the TAM features during predication in the verbless Biblical Hebrew phrases, with contrast from Arabic. M.Seveleu-Dubrovnik, dissertation, 2017. Keywords: minimalist approach, TAM features (tense, aspect, mode), copula, verbless, beth essentiae, absolute infinitive, movement, existentials.

Texts in maturation

Language planning: How (not) to defibrillate a language



Re­sear­cher at FIAS Paris. Pro­jects in lin­guis­tics: Sla­vic, Middle-Eas­tern lan­gua­ges. PhD (2017), for­mer stu­dent (élève) at École Normale (2010—14).

Corpus maintainer at the Institute for Biblical Content.

Edi­tor at Vodary Paris (world li­te­ra­tures in ori­gi­nal).

Content officer at the Belarusan Discourse and Content Institute (BelDisco).

Identity names: Максим Севелев-Дубровник, Максім Севелеў-Дуброўнік, Maxime Seveleu-Dubrovnik

Maxime Seveleu-Dubrovnik - Maxime Seveleu-Dubrovnik